Monday, March 09, 2009


G and T, circa 1993, old pos camera

Have you ever lost touch with friends or people from your past? Recently, I have been reaccessing my life and friendships. Given the facebook craze lately, many friends have found me from college and from highschool. It's been good to see people and hear their story from the past decade or two. It's interesting that some people look exactly as you left them and others... well time has really changed them.

Many days I feel guilty for the friendships I didn't keep up. I feel guilty for losing touch with my maid of honor in my wedding. I miss my best college buddy. I did not get into a fight with these dear friends, they did not wrong me... I got busy, I got lazy and before you know it ten years has gone by.

A few weeks ago, I felt a longing to find my dear friend G from college. We have so many great memories from that era of our life. I found her email and took a chance that she would want to reconnect. It was like we never skipped a beat. In fact, we are having drinks this week.

I vow from today on to cherish and nurture my friendships and to not let anymore pals go by the wayside due to illness, work, or pure self absorption.

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